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SubjectRe: Fasttrak100 questions...


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On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, James Lamanna wrote:

> So, I have a system that has 2 45GB IDE drives connected
> up to a Promise Technologies Fasttrack 100.
> Promise Techonologies currently has a driver that you can compile
> against a 2.2 kernel into a module, but it also includes one
> proprietary object file.
> During my linux installation I was able to preload the module and
> have it detect the drives fine as a scsi device, so I was able to
> install the base system onto them.
> The question is, is there a way to compile this module into the kernel
> so that it will automatically detect the card? A simple linking of the
> module into the scsi library by editing the Makefile doesn't seem to do
> it. It doesn't detect the drives if I boot off of a floppy with this
> kernel on it.
> Also, is it possible for Lilo to even boot this without a RAM disk
> somewhere? I guess Lilo has to know about the drive, but it can't know
> without the am I screwed into using floppies with a
> RAM disk image anyways?
> Thanks,
> --James Lamanna
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Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development

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