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SubjectRe: Linux 2.4.0test11-ac1
On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

> Its completely unsafe. The CPU in question is NOT intel. It has no APIC
> instead you poke around randomly in MMIO space and the box dies. You have
> to check the cpu capabilities too

Well, does any SMP board map anything into the local APIC space? After
saying there a real APIC there??? Now *THAT* is completely unsafe. How
is that supposed to work when there actually is an APIC-equipped CPU put

Poking unoccupied space leads to bus error exceptions for certain archs
but I can't actually recall existence of such events for i386...

+ Maciej W. Rozycki, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland +
+ e-mail:, PGP key available +

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