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SubjectRe: Where did kgcc go in 2.4.0-test10 ?

A number of people have pointed out to me that egcs-1.1.2 is weak on C++
support. Rather than clutter up the list by replying to all of them, I've
picked this one to say "Thank you" to everyone who responded. I'm not a C++
programmer, so I tend to forget about it and think of gcc as just a C compiler.
Now this discussion makes more sense to me.

I agree that if there is going to be a separate compiler for the kernel, the
Makefiles should be flexible enough to allow the user to plug in whatever
compiler he or she prefers to use.


"J . A . Magallon" <> on 11/02/2000 06:40:58 AM

To: Wayne Brown/Corporate/Altec@Altec

Subject: Re: Where did kgcc go in 2.4.0-test10 ?

On Thu, 02 Nov 2000 06:46:04 wrote:
> I've been following this kgcc discussion with interest for weeks now and
> there's
> one thing that still puzzles me. Everyone on both sides of the issue seems to
> be saying that kgcc (AKA egcs 1.1.2) is used because the gcc versions shipped
Wrong assumption. The idea is if I need a way to set a compiler for kernel
that is not the same compiler as the system wide one. Should kernel Makefiles
use gcc (hardcoded) (and people must have a 'gcc' that works for kernel), or
let kernel use something called 'kgcc', and let user decide if in his machine
kgcc is 2.7, egcs or 2.95.2.

> by
> several vendors don't compile the kernel correctly. What I haven't seen yet
> is
> an explanation of why kgcc can't be used for compiling *everything* and why
> another compiler even needs to be installed.

Because gcc is not only the C compiler, is the full compiler system.
The support for C++ in 2.95 has nothing to do with egcs. And 2.95 supports
java, for example.
And the libraries. The C++ standard library is much better in 2.95 that in

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta

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