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SubjectRe: [bug] usb-uhci locks up on boot half the time
David Ford <> writes:
> The oddity is that kdb shows the machine to lock up on the popf in
> pci_conf_write_word()+0x2c. I never did get around to digging up this
> routine and looking at the code, but I suspect this is a final return
> from the routine. I'm rather confused however, I have no idea why a
> flags pop would hang the hardware.

I've got a machine here that locks solid every time with -test10. It
locks up towards the end of start_uhci, where it calls:
/* disable legacy emulation */
pci_write_config_word (dev, USBLEGSUP, USBLEGSUP_DEFAULT);

Now, disabling this call seems to make the system work perfectly. The
machine is a Celeron 500 / Asus P3B-F (I think, it's at the office).
Also -test8 works, I haven't tried any of the test11-pre* versions yet.

Any things I should try to test? (Please CC me, as I don't have the
time to follow linux-kernel as closely as I would like at the moment.)

Harald Nordgård-Hansen, Linpro AS <><
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