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SubjectRe: Device Driver
> > I take it then that you never use a hard drive in any of your systems on
> > the grounds that it contains non-open source firmware which may affect
> > the security of your system? ;) Tell me, what do you use to store all
> > those Linux applications on?
> Your ATA drive can't tell you kernel what to do. I've seen some nice
> modules that do very nasty things to your system, and I was suprised that
> it was even possible.

Sure a hard drive can.
A thingy that parses partition tables, looks for lilo, finds the kernel,
and adds bits, before the rest of the system has even checked RAM,
is quite possible.
No, it's not as easy to do, but it's not impossible either.

As can a video card, simply dig around in main memory when idle,
looking for interesting stuff, and changing it as desired.

When was the last time you checked the network boot PROM holds the
code you thought it did, ....

> For my own system : I don't care. But I can imagine that there are people
> out there that do care about these kind of issues.

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