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SubjectRe: Linux 2.2.14 Sparc-32 SS-10 SMP spin_lock hang...

> The meantime between crashes with 2.2.13 on the SS-10 configured as above
> running Apache 1.3.3p3 was about four hours, with 2.2.14 it's about a day and a
> half. Here is the crash data for the 2.2.14 crash, on the console we get:
> spin_lock_irqsave(f808e66c) CPU #2 stuck at f00372c, owner PC(f003672c):CPU(2)
> spin_lock(f014b9ac) CPU #0 stuck at f003bde0, owner PC(f0036538):CPU(2)
> spin_lock(f014b9ac) CPU #1 stuck at f003bde0, owner PC(f0036538):CPU(2)
> spin_lock(f014b9ac) CPU #3 stuck at f003bde0, owner PC(f0036538):CPU(2)

CPU #0, #1 and #3 are stuck because CPU #2 grabbed the kernel_flag in
do_exit so we can ignore them.

The interesting line is:

spin_lock_irqsave(f808e66c) CPU #2 stuck at f00372c, owner PC(f003672c):CPU(2)

(I assume f00372c should be f003672c and is just written down incorrectly).

From a quick guess, f808e66c points to a sigmask_lock and CPU #2 is stuck
in __exit_sighand (called from do_exit):

static inline void __exit_sighand(struct task_struct *tsk)
struct signal_struct * sig = tsk->sig;
unsigned long flags;

spin_lock_irqsave(&tsk->sigmask_lock, flags);
if (sig) {
tsk->sig = NULL;
if (atomic_dec_and_test(&sig->count))

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tsk->sigmask_lock, flags);

The debug line says that CPU #2 has already obtained the sigmask_lock and is
trying to again and in the same spot! Sounds suspicious, I'll give the
sparc spinlock code a once over.


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