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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] block device interfaces changes
> Good grief Charley Brown! You, in a few key-strokes, just blew away
> major portions of the work done over the past few years by software
> engineers who ported their drivers to Linux. Linux will never be
> accepted as a 'professional' operating system if this continues.

Hardly. You obviously didnt look at what the patch changes in the driver

> an object passed to poll and friends. This just cost me two
> weeks of unpaid work! Unpaid because I had to hide it. If
> anyone in Production Engineering had learned about this, the
> stuff would have been thrown out, the MicroCreeps would have
> settled in with "I told you so..", and at least three of us
> would have lost our jobs.

Better hope your boss doesnt read linux-kernel

> Industry is at war. You can't do this stuff to the only weapons

Linux isnt at war. War involves large numbers of people making losing decisions
that harm each other in a vain attempt to lose last. Linux is about winning.

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