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    SubjectRe: Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
    > bigger thing for Alpha than for Intel).  On our newer systems we fully expect
    > hundreds, if not thousands, of tasks. The more commercially accepted Linux

    the issue is *runnable* tasks. do your machines routinely report
    loadaverages of 1000? if so, I'm impressed!

    the issue here is whether someone can come up with a maintainable
    scheduler that has the requisite performance. since the runqueue is
    normally short, the scheduler's performance function must have a
    very small constant term. if it's true that there are applications
    that result in long runqueues, then the performance curve needs to
    be as flat and horizontal as possible, again, without degrading the
    constant term.

    AFAIK, loopback volanomark does not resemble _any_ real application.

    regards, mark hahn

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