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SubjectRe: [slightly off-topic] Network booting - Coda
Trever Adams wrote:
> I am wondering how you can create, including using initial ramdisks if
> needed, a kernel that will boot the system using coda.

As far as the booting is concerned, the procedure is roughly as

- build a kernel that has all the required functionality
- create an initrd that has everything you need to mount a Coda FS
(I haven't worked with Coda, so I don't know what exactly is involved
there. I assume that it's roughly similar to NFS, though.)
- create a script on your initrd that
- does whatever network initialization is necessary
- mounts the Coda FS, let's say on /root.d
- does an exec /sbin/chroot /root.d /sbin/init
- if Coda doesn't leave any demon processes running that keep your old
root file system busy, then you can now unmount the old root (it's
inaccessible anyway). In order to be able to do this, you need the
kernel patch in
or a later version. You also need to redirect /dev/console at chroot
time, see the NFS root example in README.

If you can't unmount the old root, your system will still work. If the
old root is a RAM disk, as in your case, you just lose that amount of

- Werner

/ Werner Almesberger, ICA, EPFL, CH /

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