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    SubjectRe: 2.2.14 feels slow and non-interactive.
    On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Bernard Wei wrote:

    >> Anyone else experience loss of interactivity and slowdowns on
    >> 2.2.14?
    >Yes, when I only using a fraction of my installed memory :c)
    >Make sure you are running with all your physical memory detected.
    >For a time I was running with only 1/4 of my physical memory. But
    >I have a total of 256MB, so it took me a long time to realize that
    >I didn't use the full 256MB.

    No, thats definitely not the problem either. I have 96Mb of RAM
    in my system - 64Mb of which is cached and 32Mb uncached.

    4 root@asdf:/etc# cat /proc/meminfo
    total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
    Mem: 98168832 90501120 7667712 26800128 17293312 29749248
    Swap: 115077120 18804736 96272384
    MemTotal: 95868 kB
    MemFree: 7488 kB
    MemShared: 26172 kB
    Buffers: 16888 kB
    Cached: 29052 kB
    SwapTotal: 112380 kB
    SwapFree: 94016 kB

    4 root@asdf:/etc# cat /proc/version
    Linux version 2.2.14-1 (root@asdf.capslock.lan) (gcc version
    egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 Wed Jan 5
    09:05:10 EST 2000

    Actually, my system runs *faster* with 64Mb of RAM than it does
    with 96Mb. The 32Mb of uncached RAM slows things down
    noticeably, but that happens regardless of the kernel I use, or
    OS for that matter. The slowdowns are definitely not memory

    Thanks for the idea though.

    Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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