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SubjectRe: Userland Kernel Download Tool
Brian May <> said:
> What if each source tarball come with a predefined file with the
> version number? The Makefiles (during build and/or configure) would
> check that the version for each component is exactly the same.

Then you are back at square one: If component A doesn't change, you have to
issue it anyway for each revision, everybody has to download it. It is a
hassle for the developers, who have to do this. So it won't be done.

If you are that concerned about bandwidth, get patches (They are a _lot_
smaller than the full kernel, you know. I usually go without untarring a
full kernel for 5 or so development versions, even if I have full sources
at hand, so I _know_ this works fine). With current costs of hard disks,
the 40 or so Mb source are no big deal. Myself, I suspect it stays in RAM
when I build a kernel ;-)

OTOH, you should not be concerned as much about network bandwidth, but
about Linus (Alan, Dave, you name it) bandwith instead. *That* is the
scarce resource around here.

Can we now please drop this rehash for the next three months, until the
next somebody starts complaining that the kernel tarball is too large, and
everybody else comes up _again_ with the same braindamaged ideas?
Dr. Horst H. von Brand
Departamento de Informatica Fono: +56 32 654431
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria +56 32 654239
Casilla 110-V, Valparaiso, Chile Fax: +56 32 797513

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