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SubjectRe: Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
> >
> I read it. It was a excellent paper. I'm amazed by just rearranging the
> data in task_struct it reduces the time in the schedular up to 30% on

I read it and was underwhelmed. anyone who follows linux-kernel
would know that the scheduler is optimized for normal loads. that is,
those with only a handfull of runnable threads. people have rearranged
task_struct before, but that was a while ago, and fast development
implies high code entropy. the paper _was_ organized nicely ;)

> Pentium II. I have the patch included below. Anyone working on a
> many-to-many model for threads for linux?

god, I hope not. user-level threading is Just Plain Wrong if you can
possibly avoid it. the only venture in that direction I can imagine
would be Mach-like scheduler activations. though I'm sure it would take
a pretty major problem with the existing scheduler to motivate Linus &co
to take that step...

regards, mark hahn.
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