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SubjectRe: ext2_free_blocks (fwd)
   Date:   Tue, 18 Jan 2000 14:32:21 +0000 (GMT)
From: Marc Peiser <>

I'm running Slackware 4.0 on a 18Gb SCSI Disk. The machine went down and I
found these errors in the syslog file. I ran fsck -f /dev/sda3 but it
didn't find any errors. I also upgraded the kernel from 2.2.10 to 2.2.14
and everything seems to be ok now. But I really need to know what this
means. Does anyone know?

What this means is that an ext2 read in an indirect block that contained
bogus data. Looking at the values that it syslog printed as invalid
blocks: 791624304, 779581303, 1886349427, 1918987635 --- if you
translate this into ASCII bytes, what you get is this:


So, it looks like it read in a fragment of a URL, probably from a html
file. Since fsck -f didn't find any problems, it was probably your
hardware hiccuping and returning the wrong block when ext2 tried to read
in an indirect block. I'd suggest checking your hardware, particularly
your SCSI cabling; make sure the cables aren't too long, etc.

- Ted

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