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SubjectRe: [NFS] continuous logging from 2.2.14 knfsd
"Patrick J. LoPresti" wrote:

> Below is a sample (host name removed) of some logging output from our
> master file server. The server is running stock 2.2.14 and nfs-utils
> 0.1.5. We eventually located a long-running "etags" process on one of
> our NFS clients which, when killed, made the messages stop.
> "last message repeated 80410 times" is a new one on me.
> This is (supposedly) a production system... Help?
> - Pat
> 15:45:30 kernel: find_fh_dentry: 30:12/1080899 dir/1080856 not found!
> 15:45:46 last message repeated 21487 times
> 15:45:46 kernel: find_fh_dentry: 30:12/1080899 dir/1080856 not found!
> 15:45:50 last message repeated 7446 times

Basically this means that the server could not find a dentry
corresponding to the file handle in any of the caches, AND was unable to
reconstruct a dentry by walking up the tree from the located inode. It
might be possible that you have a corrupted filesystem where a directory
has become disconnected from the root somehow... if you have an
opportunity, it would be useful to run fsck on the filesystem. (The
device is major 0x30, minor 0x12, from the message.)

It is strange that it repeats so much though; once the client has gotten
a stale file handle back, one would expect it would discard its local NFS
file handle. What's the client?

Alternatively there may be Yet Another Bug in the nfsd file handle
processing... the sad truth is that the file handle processing code in
ALL existing 2.2.X kernels is a Festering Heap of Wombat Turds.

Neil Brown has done a heroic job of cleaning this up, and we hope to get
his fixes into a stable release as soon as possible: but his fixes are
tied in with other NFS3 stuff & needs a bit more airtime before it's
ready for a stable kernel....

Dave Higgen

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