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SubjectRe: I vote for updated RAID and KNFSD
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, M Carling wrote:

> The new RAID code breaks existing configurations. Such changes are
> sometimes needed. However, they should never be put directly into a
> stable kernel. Deliberately breaking production systems with a kernel
> upgrade _within_ a "stable" kernel series is unconscionable.

But anybody taking RAID seriously has been using RAID 0.9 for years

2.2 is getting better, but it's still not as stable as people would
like. There's a big different between stable and static. They do
not always come together, neither are they mutually exclusive.

2.0 has been around for long enough that it pretty much stable _and_

2.2 needs (and is getting - thanks Alan!) enough work that it can't
be both stable and static;

The knfsd in it is next to useless. I'm prepared to send Alan earplugs
and blinkers so that he may ignore the whining of those not prepared to

The RAID issue is harder, but I see only three reasonable options:
1. Just put it in.
2. Put it in, but leave the old stuff there under a mutually exclusive
config option.
3. The RAID or kernel maintainer should release a tested patchset against
2.2 with every new release (and selected pre-patches).

Really, everybody who needs good RAID has been ignoring the stuff in the
kernel for years now..


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