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SubjectRe: for a help
>   During my reading the code of Linux,I always encouter the programming like 
> this"
> __asm__ __volatile__(
> "movl %%esp,%%esi\n\t"
> "int $0x80\n\t" /* Linux/i386 system call */
> "cmpl %%esp,%%esi\n\t" /* child or parent? */
> "je 1f\n\t" /* parent - jump */
> /* Load the argument into eax, and push it. That way, it does
> * not matter whether the called function is compiled with
> * -mregparm or not. */
> "movl %4,%%eax\n\t"
> "pushl %%eax\n\t"
> "call *%5\n\t" /* call fn */
> "movl %3,%0\n\t" /* exit */
> "int $0x80\n"
> "1:\t"
> :"=&a" (retval), "=&S" (d0)
> :"0" (__NR_clone), "i" (__NR_exit),
> "r" (arg), "r" (fn),
> "b" (flags | CLONE_VM)
> : "memory");

Spooky inline assembly code, isn't it? :-)

> If you like, can you explain the
> :"=&a" (retval), "=&S" (d0)
> :"0" (__NR_clone), "i" (__NR_exit),
> "r" (arg), "r" (fn),
> "b" (flags | CLONE_VM)
> : "memory");
> for me,just the Language grammer,what does it mean?

This is to tell the C compiler which registers and variables are used,
which are clobbered by the assembly, and which are used for input or
output. I do not understand it completely (read: I only understand the
parts I needed), but you can find it in the gcc and as documentation.
Look in /usr/info on your Linux system,* and* are
the files you're looking for. Use info, tkinfo or emacs to read
info files.

Hope this helps,

J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-2785859 Fax: +31-15-2781843 Email

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