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SubjectRe: Re: RE: idea: MAC level compression & crypto
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 12:52:47AM +0100, Riley Williams wrote:
> Hi Jens.

Hi :)

>>> It does seem MAD that the US govt. will restrict you from exporting
>>> crypto that is freely available outside the US. Obviously they think
>>> that a terrorist or drug lord is too dumb to go to to get
>>> the same program they aren't allowed to get from!
>> The people making those descisions mostly don't even know what
>> encryption means. They only know it is something dangerous and probably
>> criminal that could take away their power over people.
> All too true...

Sadly. There should be more technical people in politics.

(Why do I feel like I just said an oxymoron?)

>> So, what about IMporting crypto? I mean, the kernel isn't actually
>> _produced_ in the USA, is it? Or where do the official releases come
>> from, geographically?
> Since Linus works in the USA (memory says for Transmeta in California),
> and he's the one making the official releases, I'd presume that's where
> the official releases come from...

Hm. That is a problem, yes.

Well, we still have :) only to make the major distributions
include it in their international versions, then crypto will become a lot
more popular (I suppose)...

_ciao, Jens_______________________________

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