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SubjectRe: > 15,000 Simultaneous Connections
On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Chuck Lever wrote:

> niels provos here at the scalability project has designed a new version of
> poll() that provides callbacks to device drivers so that poll() doesn't
> have to scan a list, it simply waits for the callbacks. he has ported
> this to a late 2.3 kernel, and is testing it. is anyone interested in
> helping to test? is this something we want to get into the kernel?

I have something similar that doesn't need any changes to the
existing kernel other than a slight change to wait_queue_t and
wake_up(). Wanna race? :-)

(Incidentally I've now made a start at putting my stuff up at The patch, explanation
etc. hasn't made it yet, the next/previous links don't work, but
the graphs are pretty :-) )


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