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SubjectRe: [patch]K6-2/K-III compile option
Anders Fugmann wrote:
> Oops.
> It seems that a small error sneeked in.
> Here is the correct patch:
> Anders Fugmann
> ***Patch begins***

I submitted a similar patch a couple weeks ago. Comments:

'-march=k6' doesn't always exist. Fall back to '-march=i586' if k6
isn't known to the compiler.

I'm not sure CONFIG_X86_USE_3DNOW, which enables _MMX_ code, is a win on
all K6's. Wasn't the original K6 rather slow when doing MMX?

grep and make sure CONFIG_M586TSC isn't used in code as a conditional.
(ie. make sure code isn't accidentally ifdef'd out, simply because
CONFIG_M586TSC is not defined)



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