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SubjectRe: Why no printk for duplicate IPs?
Alex Nicolaou writes:

> You are the second person with this opinion! Will someone please
> tell me how well IP works if someone else is answering ARP requests
> for your IP address?

Actually I have done this (by accident)... we had an ISDN router
attached to our network once which was answering ARP requests for
(essentially) all IP addresses, due to braindead factory

The symptom was that all the NT and 95 systems were completely
shafted, but the UNIX hosts largely survived and continued talking to
each other.

Our theory was that the UNIX systems were answering ARP requests
faster than this misconfigured router, but the NT systems were too
slow and so the router got its answer in first.

As it happens we didn't re-ifconfig any of the UNIX machines during
this. However had we done so (e.g. if a machine had been rebooting
around the same time for unrelated reasons) then a feature that made
the ifconfig fail if something else answered ARP would have made the
situation much worse.

Warnings about bogus ARP traffic, on the other hand, would probably
have led us to a solution much more rapidly.


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