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SubjectRe: 1000ms delay in networking stack or driver, new bug?
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>>>>> "Arjan" == Arjan van de Ven <> writes:

Arjan> I saw this too, once. The most likely cause was the NIC (a
Arjan> RTL8139 in my case) not responding to "data sent" events, so
Arjan> only "data received" events made progress. Hence the 1000ms
Arjan> ping-time, as the secoond ping-packed causes the first
Arjan> ping-packet to be transmitted.

I saw a variation of this today. pings took 1 second longer that they
should have and gave errors about the data which exactly fit Arjan's

The interesting thing is that it only happened between my workstation
and my remote server. I couldn't duplicate it between any other boxen
on either lan.

In fact, I was able to get around the delays by ssh(1)ing to another
box on this lan and ssh(1)ing from there to to server. Or by ssh(1)ing
to another box on the remote lan and from there to my server.

The workstation is currently running 2.3.16 SMP compiled w/ gcc 2.95
on a RH60 based install and has been up for two weeks. The server is
currently running 2.2.10-ac11 compiled w/ gcc (back when the
box was still running a RH52 based install) on a MDK60 based install.
The workstation uses an SMC EPIC/100 whereas the server has an
inexpensive 21140-based tulip card (subsys id is 1282:9100; uses a
Digital chip, not a clone).

I do not know which side was at fault, since ping(1)s everywhere else
were OK.... Also, no errors are ever logged by the kernels.

- -JimC
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