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SubjectRe: smbfs unresolved symbol get_cached_page
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, fito wrote:

> Hi all, i've trying to use the smb support in the kernel but when
> i try to load the module it says:
> unresolved symbol get_cached_page
> i searched all the source for this and found it in
> include/linux/mm.h but didn't found any definition in all the .c or .s[S]
> can anyone tell me what does the smbfs requires for this symbol be defined
> ???

The function get_cached_page is in mm/filemap.c (for 2.2.12 anyway)

What kernel version? If you are using a 2.3.x (development) you probably
should try 2.2.x (stable). I'm not sure if smbfs is working in 2.3 yet.

Any funny special patches used?

Nobody answered your first mail ... but you didn't provide much
information about your system (and my ESP module isn't working yet :)

There is a REPORTING-BUGS text with the kernel source. It lists things
that may be intresting to know, if this doesn't help you may want to try
again with a little more detail.

> P.D. i want to use smb because i want to connect to my friend's
> machine running win98 i got a question it is posible for me with linux
> have internet access using samba (smb) and having my friend's machine as
> the "server" (with his modem having the internet connection) and our
> ethers ???

No. To get internet access through your friends machine it needs to
forward (route) IP packets between the modem and your local network, I
don't know if win98 does that. But that has nothing to do with smb (and
it is not a limitation in the samba implementation).

Samba/SMB runs on top of TCP/IP (and others), and allows filesharing,
printing, etc. It can be compared with things like ftp.


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