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SubjectRe: Lockups - lost interrupt
Mike Black wrote:
> I've been having some lockups on numerous version of the 2.2 series
> (10,11,12) in both SMP and non-SMP mode.
I too have been having lockups and have posted here, with Penguin,
and with the redhat-list.

The machines are 2 Penguin dual PIII (network or load related),
and a Dell WS400 dual PII/300 (sound active then access the floppy).
> Usually the machine is just locked up hard (alt-sys-req does not work).
Same. The Dell has the kdb code (from SGI) and I can't access that
> This last time though, some scsi timeouts, ide "lost interrupt" messages,
> and ethernet timeouts were showing up on the screen. I still could not do
> anything with alt-sys-req.
I saw some unexpected interrupts from the floppy drive, but it had
not locked up at that time -- it locked up later....
> When an IDE timeout occurred the IDE drive showed some activity followed by
> the "hda lost interrupt" message.
> It looks like the system was losing ALL interrupts which would also explain
> why the keyboard wasn't working.
> Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? Is this a bad
> motherboard? CPU?
Since I have 3 systems doing it, others have also reported similar,
I think it could be kernel related....

W. Wade, Hampton <>

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