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SubjectRe: NFS under 2.2.12
On 31 Aug 1999 11:49:42 -0700, Robert K. Nelson <> wrote:
>4. Under RedHat 5.2, I could refer to filesystems mounted under root
>directly (/net/system/home). Under the new stuff this doesn't work. If
>this is a design feature, its one that causes real pain.

Since I didn't see anyone who addressed this point, I thought I'd do it:

When you export / on most unices, it won't export /usr if it's a separate
filesystem. It's annoying, but it's because codewise it's not easy to do
(you have to deal with inodes with similar numbers but on different FS for

The old NFS server was user level, so it didn't really care if you had one
big filesystem or if you had plenty of mounted filesystems as it accessed
your files like any other process would.
The new server lives in the kernel and works on a filesystem level, and the
fact that it won't automatically give you view on other filesystems isn't a
design feature, it's simply a shortcoming that comes with the new design.

That said, Irix for instance has the "no_hide" export option that lets you
export / as if it were one big filesystem, so it's possible...

In the meantime, you do need to export all your filesystems explicitely,
just like you would on Solaris, and you need an automounter that knows how
to recursively mount all the remote fileystems to reconstruct an identical
hierachy (which the upcoming autofs 4.0 is supposed to do).

I hope it clears up that issue.

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