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SubjectRe: fork problem (Re: fork or exec thingy.)
On  4 Aug, Remco van 't Veer wrote:
| > Can't reopen pipe to command substitution (fd 4): No child processes /usr/bin/test: argument expected
| > /usr/bin/test: argument expected
| > Can't reopen pipe to command substitution (fd 4): No child processes /usr/bin/test:
| > argument expected
| > 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983
| [snip]
| > Machines tested were idle apart from the shellscript, with plenty of
| > RAM.
| [snip]
| I am encountering a similar problem. But I am not having random
| fails. Nevertheless I think these problems are related since it
| involves fork() on well-equipped hardware.

Likewise. Failing systems:

* Dell Dimension series, Pentium II 300, 1.5GB / (includes /tmp), 128MB
RAM, 252MB swap, kernel 2.2.5; system did not run out of disk space
while running script

* Intel SMP prototype machine of unknown provenance (donated to CMU ECE
some years ago; I inherited it as a test box); 2*Pentium Pro 200,
128MB RAM, 1.5GB /, 252MB swap, kernel 2.2.5

Succeeding systems:

* close to 600 machines, including MIPS Ultrix 4.3, Solaris 2.5.1 and
2.6 SPARC, AIX 4.1.5 and 4.3.2, Linux 2.0.35, 2.0.36, and 2.2.7.

All machines are running the same software (CMU ECE customized
installations, with the shell in all cases being bash

NB: the systems that fail all ran (they've been reinstalled since) Red
Hat 6: one was stock, one had all of Red Hat's released fixes. But
the 2.2.x machines in CMU LCS don't show this symptom. The problem is
therefore likely to be related to either Red Hat's patched 2.2.5 kernel
or glibc 2.1.

brandon s. allbery os/2,linux,solaris,perl
system administrator kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering kf8nh
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