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SubjectRe: [OT ]RE: Saving device driver state during shutdown
Hi Paul.

>> setting each to a different maximum mount count, with the counts
>> being prime numbers starting with 23. As a result, it is rare
>> for more than one to hit its limit at any given time - in fact,
>> as a minimum, two which were both sync'd today will hit their
>> limits together in (23*29) = 667 days time, or the best part of
>> two years hence...

> doesn't that defeat the purpose of ensuring that filesystems are
> regularly checked? :)

Not at all - one is checked after every 23 mounts, the other after
every 29 mounts, neither of which is a particularly long time. It is
the checking of BOTH filesystems AT THE SAME TIME that takes a long
time, which is as it should be.

For reference...

/dev/hda1 = swap
/dev/hda2 = /boot 23
/dev/hda3 = vfat (Win98)
/dev/hda4 = Extended
/dev/hda5 = / 29
/dev/hda6 = /usr 31
/dev/hda7 = /usr/local 37
/dev/hda8 = /tmp (Reformatted every boot)
/dev/hda9 = /home 41
/dev/hda10 = /root 43
/dev/hda11 = /usr/src 47

So, the various ext2 partitions will be checked at intervals ranging
from every 23rd mount to every 47th mount, which is hardly a problem.
Assuming daily reboots, that varies between 3 and 7 weeks between

However, two partitions being checked AT THE SAME TIME occurs at the
LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of the intervals concerned. Since each
interval is a prime number, the LCM is simply the product of the
intervals concerned...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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