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SubjectRe: Offtopic: Is there any 'man' for kernel functions?
Thierry Vignaud writes:
> chenl wrote:
> > Is there any man page for kernel functions? such as 'kmalloc','printk'?
> > Thanks.
> Long ago (say in 1997), there was a man9-snapshot wich contains man9
> manpages that is kernel function manpages.
> You may find them with ftpsearch.

Assuming you mean the more recent ones, as opposed to the old man9
section of the LDP:


They haven't been updated in a long time (since November 1997), so
they are vastly out-of-date. Also, they are very incomplete, and were
so when they were written. I wrote a total three manpages, then ran
out of free time approximately when I started uni. Apparently,
everyone else ran out of free time or interest, as well. There are a
total of around 10-20 man pages, not counting duplicates. I'm sure
that many of them document interfaces that are now nonexistant or
completely different.

The project was run by Stephen Williams <>; you may
wish to contact him for more information.

In regards to the original poster's question, there are indeed
manpages there for printk and kmalloc, but they are not very detaied.

In general, reading the source is probably a better idea than reading
the manpages. Writing new ones, however, is an excellent way to learn
how the kernel works.

Neil Moore,,

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