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SubjectRe: 8390 & SMP
> This message appears in the logs (over and over and over...).
> mirkwood kernel: eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=1000.

Its raising the irq but its never getting seen - as if it jammed

> And upon unloading + reloading the module I get this one:
> mirkwood kernel: NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300:<4>eth0: interrupt from stopped card

That sounds like

> Is this a bug in the SMP-readiness of the NE driver or is it
> simply a too flakey MB/card/driver combination?

I did a ton of work. The 8390 driver is believed rock solid on SMP. It does
do a lot of enable/disable irq stuff so a bug there would explain it if
it somehow confused the irq controller.

However you note that restarting the driver fixes it. That might be worth
playing with - if free/request_irq pairs clean it then we know whats up.
If a chip reset fxes it we also have an idea

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