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Subject[FIX] Re: connect() occasionally succeeds improperly to localhost port 1024-4999
>Sometimes a connect() to localhost will succeed even if
>there is no process listening on the port. This happens when the
>ephemeral local port selected by the kernel during the connect()
>happens to be the same port you are trying to connect to. In effect,
>you end up connecting to yourself.

The first generation of Internet programs (telnet, FTP, etc.)
connect from a transient port to a well-known port, and won't see the
problem you described. Programs that utilize fixed,
unofficially-well-known server ports in the transient local port space
are in for trouble when their clients and servers run on the same
machine. Single-system peer-to-peer communication, with both parties
using transient local ports, has unavoidable exposure to this problem.

Single-port self-connection is allowed by the TCP RFCs, as I
recall, although it might be a discouraged practice by now. (Linux on
hairy palmtops?... nah, I'd never suggest such a joke.) Rather than
redesigning TCP, you could make your scanner program bind() itself to
a port before connecting (a 1 line solution to your application, no
kernel change needed). If you want to be extra safe, allocate your
fixed port outside the transient local port range on your system (see

As you suggest, the Linux socket/TCP code can be modified to
avoid accidental self-connections. This can be done without
interfering with intentional self-connection. The pertinent points

1) When connecting a socket that does not have a locally bound
name (source TCP port),

2) and when the destination IP address is equivalent to the
(implied) source IP address,

3) then avoid allocating a source port that's the same as the
destination port.

An even simpler algorithm is the following:

1) When connecting a socket that does not have a locally bound
name (source TCP port),

2) don't allocate a source TCP port that's the same as the
socket's destination TCP port, regardless of destination

This involves a trivial change to
ipv4/tcp_ipv4/tcp_v4_get_port() in linux-2.2.12 and linux-2.3.15.
In the rover loop, before the "break;", add:

if (sk->dport == rover) goto next;

ipv6 probably needs a similar change, etc.; I haven't checked.

[TWIMC: when I connected to tonight, the HTTP menus
were two weeks out of date. Something's stuck. The FTP archive was
OK, though.]

Craig Milo Rogers

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