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SubjectRe: BLKRRPART ioctl
On Tue, 03 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> said:
>> Or if you moved the start or end points of the partition!
>If you move the start, OK. Moving the end is allowed as long as you make sure
>you resize the filesystem before actually clobbering it.
>> Maybe the correct solution would be to make the kernel check
>> whether we're changing any partitions that are in use - and only
>> decline to re-read the table in that case.
> said:
>> This is probably the right long-term strategy.
>I'd prefer that the kernel refused to reload the partition table iff the
>_start_ of any in-use partition has changed, rather than either end of the

What exactly do you mean by "start rather than either end"? The start is one

Also if we change the start of an active partition then we must also call the
file system code on that partition and tell it to change it's offset for
everything (significant change). For the end to change we just need an IOCTL
to advise of the new size.
I am not up to coding this. I will have a go at making the kernel re-read as
long as you don't change mounted file systems in ways other than the FS type.

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