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SubjectRe: PnP driver can't activate SB AWE 64 wrote:
> Hi all !!
> Anybody has been able to make the pnp driver activate the SB AWE64
> ?? i just can't !!!! i have tried as it says in the isapnp.txt file but it
> doesn't does activates my modem but there is something
>'s the whole thing:
> 1.- here's /proc/isapnp:
> ...

I had no least not until I told the BIOS to configure it. Then
my problems pretty much stopped. It seems a trifle disheartening,
though, that there doesn't seem to be any simple ways to config up
PnP/PCI devices....not without many many hours of hacking. Some sort of
device configuration db would be nice. We could then write a simple
interface to config devices to specific settings or to let them get

..Hmm. Maybe I'm talking through my hat here. Obviously the place for
device configuration is the driver...and therefore, equally obviously (I
hope) there should be a PnP/PCI config layer underneath that they can
use and talk to.

Is there? Am I missing the point?


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