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SubjectRe: Virtual Console corruption
On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 07:04:23PM -0600, The Lost Wizard wrote:

> I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this problem. When I switch
> between virtual consoles (ALT-F1, etc.), I often get several random
> characters/attributes showing up in random locations on the screen. While
> the majority of the screen is intact, several switches in and out of a
> terminal, it becomes garbled to the point the information in it is
> useless. In the event it helps:
> Kernel: 2.3.14 (problem occurred on 2.2 kernels as well)
> System: 486 DX 33Mhz, 48MB RAM
> Video: ATI Mach32, 2MB video RAM
> Even just knowing why it happens would make me happy. :)

This happened on my S3 Virge video card on a K6 machine. I stuck a
Matrox Millennium II card in, and all was fine. (This is just with a
plain VGA console, no framebuffer or anything). It was annoying, because
it would corrupt text characters and made copying code with GPM rather
difficult. It wasn't every time, though, and it wouldn't ever get as bad
as making it unreadable. Often, it would take a string of 4 or 8
characters from one part of the screen and stick it in another. It was
quite interesting. :)

I'm not sure what the actual problem is, but it seemed like some sort of
memory/bus timing problem... It happened more frequently if I used
SVGATextMode to up the refresh rate.


| Simon Kirby | Systems Administration |
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