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SubjectRe: NFS in 2.2.11 (possibly 2.2.x) sucks BIGTIME.
On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

> > Uhmmm, and? Do you say that the patch can be applied to AIX & Irix, or
> > that it shouldn't be needed? Because the same problem exists in AIX & Irix
> > (the latter allegedly only, I admit, but the former is 110% confirmed).
> >
> > Or was it just to correct me? (Sorry, I confused the client & the server).
> Client (ie mounting) Server(the disk itself)

Yes, yes, I was tired when I posted, ok?

> Solaris has a sunsolve fix

Yes, I know that, we have applied it to our Solaris/SunOS systems. The
patch for one of our servers wasn't publicly available (too old), so we
had to ask one of our contacts at Sun.

> Irix I believe is ok - certainly I had no problems

Well, I can't verify this myself.

> AIX - don't know, but if you see 1-4 bytes of offset corruption then take it
> up with IBM. Since they are apparently now providing a lot of Linux
> stuff Im sure they will care

My point is, that there might be more 'ix:es that has licensed Sun's code,
and that it'd be far easier to fix it in our end, where the source is
free, than in the closed source, propriety loose ends...

If it's hopelessly unfixable, I guess this isn't feasible, but there must
be SOME explanation why NFS seem to work neatly from other clients than

/David Weinehall
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// David Weinehall <> /> Northern lights wander \\
// Project MCA Linux hacker // Dance across the winter sky //
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