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SubjectRE: 3com 3c918 and NFS/RPC
Interesting .. I have a network of optiplexes also (GX1's), same
configuration ... I also have a poweredge 6100, and 2 6300's (6100 and one
6300 have the intel eepro 100, and the other 6300 has a dual eepro100), but
currently using kernel 2.2.10 (stock).. Also running on a 100mbit network..
I haven't experienced any problems with nfs between any of the systems, and
I just looked through the syslogs on each of the machines and didn't see any
messages like that .. (all the systems are running Debian, but that
shouldn't matter .. again though, I'm using kernel version 2.2.10.. but I
don't remember any problems back when I was running 2.2.5)

Did you try a newer kernel ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Narendra Sankar
> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 10:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: 3com 3c918 and NFS/RPC
> hi
> I have a network of Dell Optiplexes which have a built in 3C918 which is
> detected as a 3c905B Cyclone.
> My network is currently running 10baseT.
> I am getting the following messages in the log
> Aug 20 18:13:20 madeira ypbind[297]: clnt_create for server
> failed
> Aug 20 18:13:29 madeira kernel: nfs: server parana not responding, still
> trying
> Aug 20 18:13:50 madeira ypbind[297]: clnt_create for server
> failed
> Aug 20 18:13:53 madeira kernel: nfs: task 61249 can't get a request slot
> Aug 20 18:14:00 madeira kernel: nfs: task 61250 can't get a request slot
> Aug 20 18:14:20 madeira ypbind[297]: clnt_create for server
> failed
> Aug 20 18:15:20 madeira last message repeated 2 times
> Aug 20 18:16:50 madeira last message repeated 3 times
> Aug 20 18:18:20 madeira last message repeated 3 times
> Aug 20 18:19:50 madeira last message repeated 3 times
> where madeira is the optiplex and parana is my nfs server
> Both server and client are running stock Redhat 6.0 with redhat
> upgrades(2.2.5-22). I have another client(running the exact same
> software configuration) using a Dlink card on the same network talking
> to the same server and never seeing such a message. My Dells seem to
> have these messages often. On my 10baseT network things seem to work ok.
> However when I tried an experiment to upgrade my network to a 100BaseT,
> all hell broke loose.
> I connected my Dell to a 10/100 Linksys hub, and was flooded with the
> above messages especially the ones where nfs couldn't get a request
> slot. And my machine was basically useless as it spent most of its time,
> trying to talk to the network.
> My server has an Intel EtherPro 100(its a dell 4300 poweredge).
> I am wondering if there is any issue with the 3com cards and nfs. I
> called linuxcare and they had no clue and suggested that there may be
> some RPC problems.
> I would really like to upgrade to a 100base network, but don't relish
> the thought of replacing my NICs. Any suggestions would be really
> helpful.
> Thanks
> Naren
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