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SubjectRe: fdomain.o w/ RH6
On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Alan Cox spewed into the bitstream:

> > Trying to do a stock install with RH6 we continuously get a kernel panic
> > followed by a NON REENTRANT failure with the fdomain.o driver. We have an
> What are the exact error messages it gives.
> > What is the problem with the fdomain.o driver?
> > Is there a known bug/fix pair here?
> Not at the moment. But without an accurate copy of the error data its hard
> to guess what is up

+Summary: Kernel Panic at install
+System: Intel P150
+RAM: 64M
+SCSI: Adaptec 2920
+Previous OS RH5.2 ran without fault. We selected an Install
+not an Upgrade.
+On install. In 2nd stage while installing packages get error
+Kernel panic: scsi: <fdomain> fdomain_16x0_queue() NOT
+REENTRANT! In swapper task - not syncing
+Install fails 100%!

The lernel panic listed above occurs at random points during install and then
post install when I was downloading new kernel sources via ftp on a local net it
did it again. We've done about 20 installs testing this and it just does it at

It's in bugzilla at RH it's # 4670

We did have reproduceable installation success by booting from the install CD
and bypassing the floppy but it was only reproduecable in the sense that we were
able to complete an install twice. The problem still occurred during install and
post install.

If there's anything else you'd like me to do to help just ask!

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <>
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