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SubjectRe: VIA chipset hangs [ SOLVED ]

I want a copy of lspci's output with both cases.
This is a key comparision of imperical data against the docs.

Andre Hedrick
The Linux IDE guy

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Dubbs wrote:

> For those who did not see my original post, I had a problem with my new
> Tyan 1590 Super Socket 7 mobo running a AMD K6-3 450mhz with 128mb of
> PC100 RAM. I also have a Gravis Ultrasound MAX sound card (ISA).
> Whenever I used the sound card, my PC would hang hard forcing a reset or
> power off. I was able to easily reproduce the hang by playing MP3s and
> either locking the screen or by simply doubling the size of my XMMS
> window, obviously causing a fair amount of video updating. I also
> noticed that switching desktops in Enlightenment seemed to force the
> hang. It also locked up last night when I was not using the sound card
> at all (modules unloaded and commented out of conf.modules).
> What was done to find the problem, well quite a lot over the past 2-3
> days:
> - Checked the IRQ and DMA settings for all cards. No conflicts. Tried
> different IRQ settings for all cards. Played with the PnP BIOS changing
> the IRQ and DMA settings to/from PnP. Still hangs.
> - I tried another sound card, same result.
> - Downloaded the latest Tyan BIOS version 1.16. no change.
> - I found a readme file in
> /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/VIA-chipset that described the same
> problem I was having. I followed instructions and it still hung.
> - Turned off APM in BIOS, no change.
> - I removed all my ISA cards except for my sound card, still hangs.
> - It was suggested that I make sure PCI quirks and other IDE and PCI
> related kernel settings were on, they were.
> - A few people suggest turning off 'PCI Peer Concurrency' in my BIOS. I
> am using Award BIOS and they do not support that option. AMI I
> understand does.
> - I rebuilt my kernel with a bare minimum of built in drivers, still
> hangs.
> - It was suggested that I use the pciutils package to disable Peer
> Concurrency. I did not know the options to the setpci command but
> thought maybe Award would be able to help. They had no clue.
> - I called Tyan tech support. It was suggested that I drop my bus speed
> to 95mhz or lower to see if my memory supported the 100mhz bus speeds. I
> went as low as 66mhz, still hangs.
> - Finally it was suggested that I turn off 'CPU to PCI buffering'.
> Bingo! No lockups for 9+ hours. I have been playing MP3s continuously
> for 9 hours now with no lock ups. I have tried everything I can to force
> the lock up. Right now I am quite confident that my problem is solved.
> Thanks to Heinz Diehl for suggesting that I turn off "CPU to PCI
> buffering" in my Award BIOS. Heinz had a number of suggestions to fix
> the problem.
> Also thanks to the following people who took the time to suggest
> workarounds to my problem:
> John Stultz
> Andrea Arcangeli
> Dan Hollis
> Neil Schemenauer
> I plan on following through with Tyan to see why the CPU to PCI
> buffering has to be disabled on the Tyan 1590 board. I am not sure if
> it's related to just the motherboard, the processor, the memory or what
> but I hope to find out. I will post what I find out here.
> Thanks to everyone again!
> -dbl
> -
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