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SubjectRe: ARP (mis)behavior
> Well, this wont work if the request is received on a interface where > the
ip-address is not configured. In that case the host cant respond > with the
right mac address. And since the host does not know which
> nic is on which cable the host has to answer for an request received > on
one interface with the address of that interface if it was any of > the
local addresses.
> Greetings
> Bernd

I have two questions regarding this statement

1) Why do you think the kernel does not know which IP address is associated
with which network device? This information is obviously available.

2) Why would you want to respond to ARP requests received on a device that
does not have an IP address configured?

As to the responses that having multiple interfaces on a single broadcast
domain is an illegal configuration, it sounds like several other people are
interested in using such a setup as well.

Note: I'm not advocating breaking proxy ARP, this seems to be special cased
anyway and would continue to be so.

Chris Leech

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