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SubjectRe: Anti-SPAM Suggestion...
	I suggest people to *stop* this thread now.

Write DaveM and me privately, if you think you have something
to offer that our trick repertoire already doesn't have, but
all talk at this thread has been repeating same few themes.
(Like they were present the last time around too ...)

On Thu, Aug 19, 1999 at 09:25:08PM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> Due to the very much INFREQUENCY of attacks like this to the l-k
> mailing list, I don't think ANY action is necessary. The mere
> THOUGHT of such action is totally the opposite mindset of what we
> stand for entirely anyways.

Some long-overdue updates are necessary, but nothing very

However infrequent the attacks are, they are very annoying..
One list at VGER got killed as a result awhile ago:
Same won't be allowed for linux-kernel.

> Lets just get back to business here, FRY the idiot's internet
> access account through the proper channels, and if necessary,
> press charges if any such laws that allow such apply. I would
> consider the attacks to be of the sort that attempt to bring a
> computer system down. "Computer vandalism" if you will.

The perpetrator was/is US resident, and that "prank"
got Rutgers University people quite upset also.
I suppose "frying" perpetrators internet access is
the least that will happen...

> Something else to think about: Even though l-k got subscribed to
> 200 mailing lists or whatever, I've yet to see a SINGLE posting
> from ANY of those mailing lists actually enter the l-k mailing
> list and get exploded. So either l-k is configured in some
> miraculous way to drop such garbage on the floor, or else the
> maintainers at vger are incredibly quick and on their toes.

The omnipotent ( = root ) people at VGER are around nearly
24h a day - and being around the globe, we don't sleep at
the same time. We also have a few tricks to get early
warning alerts quickly to ourselves.
(The system MTA has high-priority channels towards us,
among other mechanisms we exploit..)

There are certain conferences during which this instant
reaction response is degraded, of course...

> Keep up the good work vger! And don't change a thing, it works
> great!
> --
> Mike A. Harris Linux advocate

/Matti Aarnio <>

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