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SubjectRe: Anti-SPAM Suggestion...
> If neither moderation or forced subscription is ok, how about a simple
> filter
> that reject anything coming from other mailing lists?
> I believe there aren't that many mailinglist packages around, and most
> leave obvious clues in the headers. Some have special list-fields,
> some have owner/sender set to obvious stuff like "owner" or "listserv"
> Rejecting the most obvious subjects (make money fast, sex, anything
> in all capitals) would be possible too.
> Some spammers would still get through of course, but we would
> at least not get other mailing lists.

I've noticed that most spam goes to non-existant domain/users and never have
the email address that it went to in the to/cc headers. So, why not reject
mail if the to and/or cc lines don't contain linux-kernel.

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