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SubjectRe: PPP & 2.3.13
I guess first make sure that you have the release version of
ppp-2.3.9. Then I suppose do a complete install; including 'make
kernel' from the ppp src directory and rebuilding the kernel. I realize
that v2.3.13 supposedly ships with ppp-2.3.9, (heard that somewhere) but
rebuilding the kernel using the separate source has solved the problem
for some people. Also make sure that you have ppp & ppp_async
configured in the kernel if using a modem. If all this checks out and
it still doesn't work.........surely Paul can help!

Tim Coleman wrote:
> [snippage]
> > Another booger I make; drop the mode (640). ie mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0
> > Starting pppd is supposed to create the device automatically: I know
> > that it doesn't for me, but creating it manually gets rid of the 'no
> > kernel support'.
> This doesn't work for me. I created the device, and it has permissions
> u+rw g+r o+r owner=root group=root.

Should wind up as crw-------

> I still get the no kernel support error.
> I'm not sure if this has anything to do with me using diald, but ppp
> no longer works in 2.3.13.
> Tim

-- TimO -- man there's a lot of Tims around!
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit
within him? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except
the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the
Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given
-- I Corinthians 2:11,12

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