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    SubjectRe: Kernel Panic, root fs..
    On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

    > > An alternative would be for "make zImage" or lilo to bitch at
    > > you that you dont have kernel modules/kernel support for the
    > > root device.
    >How does "make zImage" or "make bzImage" know what the root device is
    >anyway? Remember that the machine we're compiling on may not be the
    >target machine - and we may even be compiling a kernel with which to
    >netboot some machines without any drives of their own...

    I don't know that it matters. I compile kernels for various
    different machines, and I do all the compiling on ONE machine.
    ALL of the machines have the Linux root filesystem on a different
    partition. I do:

    make dep ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make modules_install

    When it is done, I move the config, bzImage (or zImage),, and module directory all to a separate dir, and make
    a tarball. I then distribute this tarball to the machine in
    question. When I unzip the tarball, I move the files into /boot,
    and /lib/modules. I then edit lilo.conf and tell it about the
    new kernel. I don't run rdev, or any other such thing. The
    kernels ALWAYS boot properly, and if I move them to a totally
    different machine, they still work correctly.

    So, I don't think it matters where the root partition is at all,
    as long as it is IDE or SCSI (depending on the machine type).

    I've never had any trouble with it anyways.
    Take care!

    Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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