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SubjectRe: [bigmem-patch] 4GB with Linux on IA32
On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Larry McVoy wrote:

>If you tell me what you want to measure I can probably code up something
>for you. Or tell you how to do it - there is a lot of infrastructure in

The below one should be the patological case to show the performance hit
caused by the additional pte mapping and invlpg done in the page-fault

#define SIZE (700*1024*1024)

int i;
char * buf = malloc(SIZE);
if (!buf)

i = 0;
for (; i < SIZE; i += 4096, buf += 4096)
*(int *) buf = 0;

printf("time %d\n", get_diff_time());

(The optimal thing would be to measure the time in CPU ticks with rdtsc.)

Then we should repeat the same thing doing a COW. So first allocing say
300mbyte of RAM with bzero, and then forking and then starting rewring to
the now read-only buffer in the child, to force lots of cow.

I just know that the performance hit of the shm case will be equal to the
one of the anonymous memory case.

The pseudocode is just almost C code, so maybe this time it's simpler to
add two rdtsc... (if you have some more hint you are welcome of course).

>#include "bench.h"
> BENCH(sysWhizzy(args), 0);
> micro("Whizzy", get_n());
>Pretty easy, no?

Nice ;), yes.


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