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    SubjectRe: New resources - pls, explain :-(

    On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Martin Mares wrote:
    > > In short, this is not about just PCI. There are certainly many cases where
    > > the same driver has PCI, ISA PnP, and old ISA interfaces - and the
    > > _driver_ is often exactly the same with just small differences in how
    > > cards are found and initialized.
    > This is exactly what I have been speaking of during the last year, sent
    > a couple of RFC mails to the kernel list and what you've rejected some
    > weeks ago when I proposed a unification of devices.

    The thing is, hot air is just that.

    I actively _dislike_ RFC's. If it needs discussion, you're planning too
    far ahead. "Just do it" is my approach, and never EVER overdesign. If
    something is so subtle that it needs lots of discussion, it's going to be
    so subtle that you get it wrong on the first try anyway, so it should
    start out with a trial implementation rather than a lot of talking.

    I much prefer a incremental change over too much discussion. It may not
    ever become "perfect", but quite frankly, you'll never reach that state by
    discussing it either.

    > Does this look reasonably? Should I write some more detailed description
    > or some code?


    > I'd also like to know your opinion on the PCI patches I've sent you a week
    > ago -- please tell me what you'd like me to fix and I'll change it and update
    > the whole thing to the most recent kernel.

    I'll integrate the ISA PnP patches (which I have now), and will release a
    2.3.14. That's going to change some things - unlike PCI, we have multiple
    IRQ and DMA channels etc, so the "pci_dev" is getting expanded. I'd love
    to rename it, but the only obvious name is "struct device" which has been
    stolen by network device drivers.

    The network drivers should really have "struct net_device", and maybe a
    nice awk-script will take care of it.


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