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SubjectRe: New resources - pls, explain :-(
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Desnoyers <> writes:

Peter> I'm assuming that there are no PCI devices where device
Peter> registers are always big-endian. (is that true for all weird
Peter> Mac cards?) Handling of cases is:

There are cards where this is that case and for frame buffer memory it
is certainly a valid case.

Peter> 3,4. The driver sets the swapping inside an #ifdef BIGENDIAN
Peter> when first setting up the hardware, and then uses
Peter> native_readl/native_writel.

These are the only cases where we are interested in bigendian_writel -
PCI defaults to little endian and unless you have special handling in
the cards and you have a reson to use it one should stay with the
little endian defaults.


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