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SubjectRe: Prioritized I/O
Rogier Wolff wrote:
> David Olofson wrote:
> > I'd split the problem i two parts; 1) start access time, and 2)
> > guaranteed transfer rate.
> >
> > The distinction won't help much if you really need 1) all the time, but
> > in most applications, you need 1) only when starting to _read_, and then
> > 2) for the actual (buffered) streaming.
> >
> > For 1) there are all the problems with disk access time and other
> > requests being processed when you need to get in, but for 2), "all" you
> Theorizing about this is good. But not too much.
> Why would you want a guaranteed start time?

If the data is requested by another system that's not able to predict
events... I have to admit that I'm having more problems finding a
legitimate reason for implementing such a feature, the more I think
about it.

> When a user presses the "start" button, you would like to be able to
> start immediatly playing that raw video stream at 6Mb per second?

Would be nice, but it's impossible.

Unless you define "immediately" as a well defined latency, and find a
way to always have a filled buffer ready within that time after a
request. Looks kind of pointless to me, _unless the current solutions
result in a worst case latency more than a few times the average case_.

> If it's a user pressing that button, getting that guaranteed rate of
> 6Mb per second is essential for the quality of the result. But waiting
> for the 3Mb buffer to fill before starting, is not all that bad.

No, I agree, and this kind of applications wasn't what I had in mind. I
was more like wondering why people really ask for something like that,
and truing to point out the problems and a possible way to solve it if
they really need it. So, does anyone really need hard real time
response, or it it just a design problem of their applications?

As I failed to get it accross in the last post:
My point is that low latency I/O is NOT the way to design a
system with guaranteed streaming rate. Buffering is needed
for many reasons anyway, most importantly to be able to get
any usable rate.

I'll be happy with guaranteed streaming rates and sane bounds on the
start latency. (That is, I'd NOT accept to be blocked for 3 seconds when
the average case is .5 seconds... That's far beyond what you can expect
a demanding user to put up with.)

Sorry for being in Unfiltered Brain Storming Mode when I wrote that
post. ;-)


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