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SubjectRe: hdd & sound
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Wakko Warner wrote:

> I'm noticing this one one of my machines. When writing to a hard drive, the
> sound drags. The machine I'm on has piix4 ide and an isa scsi card. I'm
> playing sounds from the drive on the scsi card (aha1510 I think is the scsi
> card). I tried writing to both an ide and scsi drive, both drag the sound.
> Sound card is an SB16 pnp /w ide port (not disablable unfortunately). I had
> a similar problem on an isa ide card playing sounds off of the hard drive
> (like 44k 16bit 2ch sound off the drive, sound card was an ess card). My
> home box that this is happneing on is 2.2.7. The one with the isa ide is no
> longer active, but it was running 2.0.36.
I see much the same thing under (extremely) heavy disk load, both on
onboard piix4 ide, and on an onboard aic7??? scsi.

Things it isn't:
hardware - too many people are seeing the same thing for that
driver specific - it happens on both ide and scsi, and with both sb and
ess cards
anything blindingly obvious

Currently I suspect something evil either in sound_core.c or sound_timer.c
or (more likely) something scheduler related, but this is wild guessing. Any

Mike <>

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