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SubjectRe: Gates of Hell
The worst of it is - the site ***********filters*********** by OS type. This
means that you can't access it if you're running Linux. Actually, that brings
up a question: I have a barclays online banking account, but barclays also
filter by OS type (at least what they get from the browser) - they claim
Linux/UNIX is "less secure than windows " (3.1 , 95, 98 AND NT!!!!!!!!! -
they said this when I spoke to them) - I have made excessive threats to them
about legal action and have several people investigating whether what they
are doing is legal, but until then, is there an easy way to get ns to lie
about os/browser version, or can some of us write some kind of proxy which
lies about os, etc...?? Thanx.

"Homme R. Bitter" wrote:

> This person is obviously applying for a collection of coredums in his/her
> email box....
> Is there a way to make this list more closed ?
> Cheers,
> --
> Homme R. Bitter
> Anything that talks to you from inside the fridge should be discarded.
> -
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Jonathan C. Masters (

"Upon this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

-- Matthew 16, 17-18

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