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SubjectRe: Frame Relay generic driver
Gergely Madarasz wrote:
: > I think it is possible even without a rewrite of syncppp.c. The
: > slaves should be generated on the fly using some ioctl (which gets
: > a PVC #, and returns the slave name, for example). And of course some
: > ioctl for deleting the slave, and one for seting a link-protocol
: > (maybe we should delete SPPPIOCCISCO and SPPPIOCPPP and make one
: > ioctl with a parameter for setting the link-level protocol).
: Something like that should be ok. Btw I'll soon be submitting the comx
: drivers to the kernel, they need no ioctl's at all, everything is set up
: thru the /proc filesystem (echo ppp >/proc/comx/comx0/protocol), i quite
: like this idea (it wasn't written by me, but the previus maintainer).
Is commx tied to syncppp.c somewhat? Or it is another implementation
of syncppp/cisco/FR? I would like to see the code.

BTW, the idea of using /proc is neat, but think about dedicated
routers witout any /proc. I one time thought about the following:

cat /etc/cosa/cs8.hex >/proc/cosa/cosa0/firmware
echo start 0x400 >/proc/cosa/cosa0/command

But I did not implement this because there can be small routers
without /proc.

: I'd be glad to help. The comx drivers frame-relay code (which I
: maintain, and support since february, I haven't done much with it
: though) needs a bit of redesign, since it is tied to the hardware drivers
: much more than it needs to be.

You are welcome. I think we should do some design issues and
then start coding or adapting the existing software.


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at>
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