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SubjectRe: (reiserfs) Re: 20 years without semantic innovation is enough
Rik van Riel <> said:


> It's actually more like integrating brake and gas so you can
> drive more conveniently.

> Nowadays we've got compound documents and other data structures
> that were quite rare 20 years ago. I don't see any reason why
> we shouldn't adapt the OS to fit it's new environment better...

I think we should adjust the OS to its environment. But we should be
_very_ careful to keep brake and gas apart...

In this particular case I've yet to see a convincing argument for "compond
documents", particularly noting that we routinely ship around _much_ more
complex stuff than that: Look at the Linux kernel: A very complex,
hierarchical, heterogeneous object. And it is handled without too much
trouble with the existing specialized filesystem and tools. They evolved
over many years in the hands of extremely capable people _exactly_ for this
kind of stuff!

If M$ thinks their FS is in urgent need of bloat so they can exclude others
they see as an inminent threat, it's their problem. (Yes, Linux running the
fileservers and Win2k just for secretaries _is_ scary for M$, just look at
what they charge for "server" OSs now versus "clients", think at what will
happen if servers don't run "just the same look and feel as clients" and
you see their almost attained world domination slip, look at how they
resoundingly lost the "Internet server" market they had decided was for
them to grab,...).
Horst von Brand
Casilla 9G, Viña del Mar, Chile +56 32 672616

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