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Subjectinitrd problems on 'big memory' system?

I've got a Linux system with 2GB of memory; I've patched the kernel
(asm-i386/page.h and arch/i386/ to allow access to
this memory, and after a few false starts it appears to be working just

I ran into problems after first building the kernel; I was using a boot
disk with an initrd, and the kernel was consistently unable to access the
initrd image...during kernel boot, some message about "ramdisk image
overwritten" flashed by on the screen.

Well, okay, I suppose that would cause a problem :).

Can anyone tell me *why* the ramdisk image was being overwritten? I don't
really need to use an initrd setup (at least, not right now), but I'd like
to know why it doesn't work.


-- Lars

Lars Kellogg-Stedman * * (617)353-5228
Department of Computer Science, Boston University

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